Welcome to 2G3 Class Blog! (:
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Friday, April 24, 2009,10:27 PM 
Hello g3! :) MYEs are super round the corner and idk why i'm i still slacking. *SLAPS Darn,whywhywhywhywhywhy. :/ Shit. :( Er,after sa1's i wonder if you guys want to have a g3 outing or smthng?! It's gna be super cool! :) Hahahaha,I know you know i'm super the lame. ^^ I know,shutup. Ok i know i've enough crap already so byebye! ^^ I love T.O.P & G dragon! Wheeeeeeeeeee~ From bigbang! (Hyperventilates!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOOSE,AYISHA & EZRELLA. :) Advanced to Ayisha and Ezrella!
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12:08 AM 
  hey people! just suggesting about the class t-shirts! those who want to suggest ideas please come and show it to me . we would like to make it as soon as possible after the midyear exams.i am just thinking of the words at the back. : D the front one is not confirm yet. please come and show to me if u guys have any ideas. love, sitihawa
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Thursday, April 23, 2009,5:31 PM 
Hello! Gladys here. I noe this is alr sent by crezmail, but i will just post them here again because we need to liven our blog =[[ Ok, PBL Group 10 (Yu Qi's grp) survey by Rui Shan and Yu Qi, and PBL Group 4 (Clarice's grp) surveyClick on the underlined words to go to the websites. Pls help them do the survey =D (though i havent done them myself yet :/) But i will! Lots of love G3 and gd luck for mid-year exams blablabla. Mata ashita ne!
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Monday, April 20, 2009,11:53 AM 
Dear g3 ,
poojaa wants to post but she doesn't know what to wirte. so i shall be a good partner and help her spill out all the words. poojaa just wants to wish everyone all the best and good luck for the up coming mid-year exams :OO and to hanna, get well soon if you haven't okay dear :D lovelove. hahhhahh :D loveyous khad :D
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Saturday, April 18, 2009,7:18 PM 
HELLO ALL :D Hello , hello , hello.I am practically just BORED so i thought of posting something up here.Exams are coming, and i'm frucking worried you know? ): I bet you all are.Do start mugging and hope you all do frucking well :D! Okay?See, I am such a good girl to liven up our blog! :D Oh btw. THANKS DILYS for creating this blogg.hmpphhs. Girls,I'm boredd urhhs. Just want to say.Its so unfair that we got class demerits already ):ANDD. hmpphs. ididntknowthattherearealreadyconflictsintheclass.I'm so outdated i know ):Ohh well.Love youu all. :D
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009,10:46 PM 
okay hi g3^^, hiu wai here. okay, reeaaally sorry but then due to the canoeing competition, i cannot help yr collect the $5 for the yearbook on friday o thursday or wedneday , so erms... can you gimme the money by monday, LATEST TUESDAY okay?cos that money is needed to give to the G.O , so we cannot really drag it. SORRY KAYS?anyway, it must be given that money,so better pay lah (:ehk, if you all got any questions or sth or what so ever lah, idk what you all may ask..erms, you go ask BATRISYIA and VIENCY(it rep), and ..MOOSE and HAWA!!!okay?got a lot ppl , so don't worry, i will collect money on tues AND monday, okay?okay, strating to get naggy, so end here. THANKS !!!<3buh-bye!
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Monday, April 13, 2009,12:39 PM 
Helloh, I is Petrina :D Hahah, okay, fine, Hi dionnis, THY PRO ? Gladys is a pro in Dj Max. kkthxbye. Fajar: Mie-mie v. cute like mie.I rock as eskimo! Dionnis: lMAO! what the hell u ppl siaoxz but i think that i will lovee bern like siao! i dun wanna sit with u noe hu.....lol dun feel upset hor byebye....this is damn random Fudge: I dun wan sit at the back!!!!No!NO!HELP!!! P.S. this is the RETARDED post of randomness. Dionnis practically spammed the tagboard with stupid tags. (GLADYS)
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12:37 PM 
HELLO :D SA1's are coming! So scared :O Its very rare that i can post cause usually i cannot x.x EVERYONE JIAYOU FOR SA1's :D:D:D:D:D ok byebye~Loads of love,Ezrella ^^
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009,11:34 PM 
Hello everybody! I hate the upcoming test!!! :( I heard that science was difficult,everybody satrt mugging okay! :) Sa1's not even in a month,only 3weeks is left! Sigh,i feel like dying. Okay,nevermind just give it all your best k,g3? Yay \m/ Dilys. :)
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Monday, April 6, 2009,7:07 PM 
hello nice people :DDDDDD just a reminder about tests: Week 3Monday, 6th April Geog testWednesday, 8th April Math testThursday, 9th AprilScience testWeek 4Lit Class Test -on unseen prose passage
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Sunday, April 5, 2009,9:56 PM 
 Hello g3! I just put up the class pic. Just wanting to remind you guys about Ms Quek. The best maths teacher of all: D Sorry for the inconvenience: D ♥siitiihawaa.
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profile ♥
We are from 2G3 and we are too awesome to be true. We know we rock your socks too much. :)
We the G3ians,pledge to be as a class united forever,
no matter what can pull us apart,
regardless of race and religions,we won't despise one another,
Promise not to have any racism and forever to be one together,
one for all,all for one.
Our awesome people:
1.Jiawei ♥
2.Clarice ♥
3.Cherie ♥
4.Angelina ♥
5.Ayisha - SCIENCE REP!
6.Chisin ♥
7.Dionnis ♥
8.Dilys ♥
9.Ezrella ♥
10.Fajarina ♥
11.Bernetta ♥
12.Genevieve ♥
13.Gladys ♥
14.Haziyah ♥
15.Hema - ENGLISH REP!
17.Alicia - LIT REP!
18.Liwei ♥
19.Hiuwai - TREASURER!
20.Kelly - HCL REP!
21.Marianna ♥
22.Batrisyia -VICE CHAIR!
23.Hafizah - AESTHETICS REP!
24.Hanna ♥
25.Syahirah ♥
26.Petrina - ART REP!
27.Poojaa ♥
28.Saritha - MATH REP!
29.Shanaz ♥
30.Sherlene ♥
31.Atikah - SCIENCE REP!
32.Hawa ♥
33.Khadijah ♥
34.Muslihah - CHAIRPERSON!
35.Priyanka ♥
36.Ezebel ♥
37.RuiShan ♥
38.Viency ♥
39.Gracia ♥
40.Yuqi ♥ ♥♥♥