ThAnKs HaWa FoR tHe UsErNaMe AnD PaSsWoRd...I ToTaLlY FoRgOt!! =P AnYwAy, ThIs iS My fIrSt pOsT... tY fOr ThE WoNdErFuL BbQ! eVeNtHoUgH I cAmE LaTe, i HaD FuN. i Am lOoKiNg FoRwArD To mOrE ClAsS OuTiNgS! =)~smirks~(= G3 RoCkS! SaY I LoVe g3??? AlRiGhT TheN, I'lL SaY It iN My oWn vErSiOn...."I HeArT G3!!!!!!!!!" ThIs iS HaNnA sIgNiNg oUt....(; *winks*
We are from 2G3 and we are too awesome to be true. We know we rock your socks too much. :)
We the G3ians,pledge to be as a class united forever,
no matter what can pull us apart,
regardless of race and religions,we won't despise one another,
Promise not to have any racism and forever to be one together,
one for all,all for one.