Tuesday, December 15, 2009,10:24 AM 
HELLO PEOPLE I AM HIU WAI THE PREVIOUS ONE IS DIONNIS. :DHEY G3 IF YOU WANT A CLASS OUTING I NEED EVERYTHING DONE BY THIS COMING THURSDAY OKAY?. Another thing is that , since the dates are confirmed, can we please know at least who is free and can come on that day please? WE JUST WANNA KNOW WHO AND HOW MANY PEOPLE GOING. AND GOING TILL WHAT TIME. don't need to know what are we doing, but most probably, the choices are: - Dte escape theme park with 4.5 bucks per entry , not including lunch. If they think we're not kids already, then per person is 9 bucks, not including lunchor dinner* For more information you can go to http://www.escapethemepark.com.sg/ yeah, all the information. (note: In case you didnt notice, it's kindda scary and dangerous. So yeah.next one.
- Downtown east you know that centre there? The price is not fixed yet. There will be a wide range of shops and fun for you all, and including the mini ferris wheel if you all want okay? And the place includes kbox, bowling, pool etc etc. Almost the same as kallang i guess.. okay so mini ferris wheel i've gone to check the prices, one person is like 6.50. Er, so ya. You all should like estimate lah. bowling and skating and kbox idk leh. you can go to http://www.downtowneast.com.sg/shopper/guide.aspx for more information please. Everything there is like everything which is going to be there lah, haha what i talking about please._. k onward.
- Next is wildwild wet, i've check the prices per person is like 10.50? if every 4 person got ntuc card. hehe:D It's quite cheap actually, can consider the prices. Not including lunch or dinner. Though it exceeds the budget, but 50cents. er still okay lah hor?Okay for more information, please go to http://www.wildwildwet.com.sg/ there's ALL the information you will need. For the swimming thing lah. last, i have one more coming up, which i think is sort of the best lah.
- NEXT ONE! haha, save the best for the last mah, okay it's jurong east swimming complex! The facilities is very similar to wildwild wet, only some which is like Hmm. u-lahlah, the ride bycicle ones, those will not be inside, but i've been to it before i can say it's awesome. And the best thing is, you all will only have to pay 80 cents!
- Like yeah, i know cheapskate ;x But seriously, it would do a biggggg job to maintain the class fund yeah ? Like 80 CENTS FOR ONE WHOLE DAY'S FUN! Compared to 10.50, well i guess you dont use 9.70 bucks to pay for similar things right? (: I really think it's a good idea, BUT obviously there will be pros and cons, the bad thing is. It's crowded. really crowded, but when you come to think of it, well even in wildwild wet it'd also be crowded one mah.. HEHS. and last thing, it's really near at jurong east, but the same thing lunch and dinner will not be inlcuded. so ya. Seriously, i really think this is better. sorry i couldn't find any nice website when i find it, will post it up okay!:D so please, I WANT THE ANSWERS BY WEDNESDAY FIRST, then confirmation everything done by thursday. will ask people to call, AND PLEASE PEOPLE TRY TO PASS THE MSG. k ciaozxcxz!:D
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profile ♥
We are from 2G3 and we are too awesome to be true. We know we rock your socks too much. :)
We the G3ians,pledge to be as a class united forever,
no matter what can pull us apart,
regardless of race and religions,we won't despise one another,
Promise not to have any racism and forever to be one together,
one for all,all for one.
Our awesome people:
1.Jiawei ♥
2.Clarice ♥
3.Cherie ♥
4.Angelina ♥
5.Ayisha - SCIENCE REP!
6.Chisin ♥
7.Dionnis ♥
8.Dilys ♥
9.Ezrella ♥
10.Fajarina ♥
11.Bernetta ♥
12.Genevieve ♥
13.Gladys ♥
14.Haziyah ♥
15.Hema - ENGLISH REP!
17.Alicia - LIT REP!
18.Liwei ♥
19.Hiuwai - TREASURER!
20.Kelly - HCL REP!
21.Marianna ♥
22.Batrisyia -VICE CHAIR!
23.Hafizah - AESTHETICS REP!
24.Hanna ♥
25.Syahirah ♥
26.Petrina - ART REP!
27.Poojaa ♥
28.Saritha - MATH REP!
29.Shanaz ♥
30.Sherlene ♥
31.Atikah - SCIENCE REP!
32.Hawa ♥
33.Khadijah ♥
34.Muslihah - CHAIRPERSON!
35.Priyanka ♥
36.Ezebel ♥
37.RuiShan ♥
38.Viency ♥
39.Gracia ♥
40.Yuqi ♥ ♥♥♥