Hi beloved classmates! (K)
Exams are over! Yeaaaa i know the post-exam activities are like freaking boring, right?! -shakes head-
And, we have also received our marks ytd. Congrats to those who have done very very very well! Good job! For those who are not satisfied with their marks, dont worry. You still have time to buck up. Remember! June holidays are coming! Make full use of it alrightey. Do your revision okay (dont be lazy). I know MOST of you wake up arnd 11-12pm, right? Aiyooo lazybums. Do your homework bit by bit everyday, so you dont have to rush all in the last week of June holidays. :)
Plus, Congratulations 2G3 for being one of the three classes that are leading in Term 1 for the number of Gotchas! However, 2S2 is leading sadly.
Come on G3! We must beat 2S2 okay. Be enthusiastic in class. We must keep up our 1G3 2009 spirits! ^^ We must be the model class of the year again for 2010. We must okay! Let's make this year a meaningful and memorable year for us. We are going to different classes next year sadly. Aw, we will miss each other!!!! :(
G3 fighting! (L)
Loads of luvvv,
Onew's wifey (hehehehe)